Here are my thoughts during this COVID-19 pandemic
Here are my thoughts:
'Online learning during a pandemic' is not the same learning experience prior to COVID-19 outbreak.
You do not have to overwhelm yourselves with the idea of "being productive." I say this because your psychological security and wellness matter this period. Please ignore anyone forcing you to learn a skill, turn a hobby into side hustle, write a book, and so many other hustlemaniac suggestions they tell you. This is a global pandemic and it is okay to take a break — don’t overengage or stress yourself with activities.
Your health, sanity and peace of mind are very important than any online course, job or other opportunities. The internet is always there with tons of information which you can access anytime you feel better and ready. Please take good care of yourself first.
Your health, life and entire existence matter. Let nobody make you feel you’re not doing enough because you don’t have certain skills, grades, certifications, degrees, etc. Let nobody make you feel like you are wasting your time for not enrolling in online courses or doing any work-related activities. I have been sending my friends some articles on wellness this period and even suggesting games to play, movies to watch and storytelling time where we talk about some childhood moments.
So please be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Don’t compare your life with another person’s life. We all have different paths and destiny in life. You don’t have to judge the page 1 of your life based on another person’s page 10. Understand that time and season are different for each person. Again, be kind to yourself.
I know I usually share free/freemium online courses, opportunities, freelance jobs, business tools, some resourceful info and so on. Please you don’t have to apply for these opportunities or enroll in any of the online courses if you have other needs or concerns to attend to. Those online courses will always be there on the internet and new ones will also be available as we continue to evolve. So please don’t get yourself overwhelmed with the thought of “others are doing course A, I should also do the same.” Relax and just breathe, it’s okay. Yagazie — it shall be well with you.
Why I share resources and opportunities
I share resources and opportunities on my social media and I do so because I see it as a way of giving back to my community (civic commitment). I share resources so everyone can have access to certain ‘privileged ’ opportunities and information that are not readily accessible and available. Hence, I gladly bring it to your doorstep through social media. I use my internet research skill to check the websites of different universities/colleges, companies, MOOCs, embassies, government agencies, banks, nonprofit organizations, ect. for ongoing and ‘hidden' opportunities they have, then I share on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and via email. I don’t expect anyone to enroll in those online courses or virtual internships when they need to first take care of their mental health and other personal needs. You can always visit my page and do a keyword search whenever you are ready.
E be things!
Hmmm! It is easy to become addicted to the pace and stress of work. Nobody should make you feel that the only value you have as a person is your work-related productive capacity rather than your humanity. Don’t devote excessive time and mental energy to work in an effort to feel competent.
Don’t allow anyone to make you feel guilty for not taking an online course, virtual internship, or turning a hobby into a side hustle during this global pandemic. It is okay to unplug from the world by refocusing on your wellness and well-being. Listen and know that we all have our time and season to learn, grow, shine, flourish and become the best version of ourselves. It’s a global pandemic and a time to pause, self-reflect and practice more kindness to yourself and others.
You may have seen some posts telling you that we have to use this stay at home period to do xyz and abc. Don’t put any pressure on yourself. Understand that life has times and seasons. Focus on your growth in ways you consider safe and healthy, your peace of mind and well-being. Your own life cycle has its season. Don’t shrink! Maintain and sustain your peace of mind and mental strength. You are your own captain.
Many a contented life has been stolen by the unhealthy habit of comparing ourselves to others; engaging in the every day workaholism, hustle culture, worthless pursuits and toxic productivity. So comparing yourselves to others will always rob you of gratitude, joy, love and sense of self. Find a quiet moment to re-evaluate your life – who you are and who you are becoming.
Disengage mentally from hustle culture, workaholism, worthless pursuits and toxic productivity. Understand the motivational, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of workaholism so you can unlock ways to deal with it. Be kind to yourself during this COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s okay to just breathe this period
Protect and care for yourself first. Your psychological security is very important. I have shared it here that your well-being shouldn’t be traded for toxic productivity, worthless pursuits, workaholism and hustle culture. Balance is key! I believe mental discipline is knowing when to pause, breathe, relax and recharge.
Again, I am telling you that it is okay to relax, spend time with your loved ones, care for yourself especially your mental health, and just breathe. Allow yourself to blossom progressively in ways you consider safe, healthy and comfortable during this period and throughout your life.
Set your life commandments
Define your personal commandments to live your best life. What adages and principles do you want to follow in your life?
You know what you want for yourself, so feel free to set your standards. Ignore people who are killjoys, kibitzers and naysayers.
Understand your WHY
Why it’s helpful to develop skills for adapting to change, persevering in the face of adversity, learning from mistakes, and thinking positively
about setbacks. Analyze how developing resilience and perseverance can help you in all areas of your life.
Identify a range of strategies to help you manage stress,
grow progressively, achieve and maintain a healthy school/life/work balance.Teach yourself how you can use such strategies in your
life right now and how you might apply them in the future.
Create your inspirational haven
Turn your personal space or room into a place you love. Get rid of things that make you easily sad and exhausted including social media if necessary. Surround your personal & online space with things that inspire you to be a better you.
Uncover your blind spots in your personal development
The aspects of yourself that you aren’t fully conscious of — your traits, values, actions, behaviours, idiosyncrasies, habits, feelings, thoughts, etc. The more you uncover, the more you grow, the better you become.
Create Your Own Life Handbook
Let it be a reminder of your life purpose, personal values, daily mottos, long-term goals, short-term goals, and personal life lessons. From your life purpose to your life goals, action plans and daily tasks. You can keep making adjustments.
Design your ideal life
What is your ideal life? Envision it. Design it. Assess your life. Live your life. Then, ask yourself what it takes to live a joyful life. What is the life that will make you shout for joy?
Don’t stop yourself from living and enjoying your life. Don’t do things for the sake of doing them. Always evaluate what you’re doing and only do it if there is meaning behind them. Don’t be afraid to quit the things that don’t serve your path.
Don’t mentally limit yourself
Don’t mentally limit yourself. Let your mind be a breeding ground for new ideas and strategies to survive and succeed in life. Your existence and personal growth matter. Learn to see the world through a different lens.
Design your own framework
Knowing Yourself – Who am I?
Exploring Opportunities – What are opportunities out there for me?
Making Intentional Decisions & Setting Goals – Who do I want to become?
Achieving Goals & Making Transitions – What is my plan for achieving XYZ / ABC?
Be in control of your time and how you feel
Don’t let anyone make you feel like you are wasting your time engaging in any personal or social activity that you consider valuable. Life is meant to lived and enjoyed to the fullest. Remember in life everything is about discipline and moderation (balance).
Choose yourself if they don’t choose you
It's your choice to accept and appreciate yourself.
Don't let anyone belittle and dehumanize you.
Now stay calm, be kind to yourself and take good care of yourself.
You are trying and I know you are
Yes I am talking to you - you wake up each day to pray, to work and pay your bills, take care of yourself and loved ones, while pursuing your goals. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not trying.
Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Show more gratitude to yourself.
Udo (Peace)✌🏿