Grant Writing, Crowdfunding, Donor Relations, Grant Management and Fundraising Courses & Momentswithbren Tutorial
In order to be successful both in the grant writing process as well as with any funding that you may receive, your organization must take enough time to plan before you actually dive into writing grant proposals.
You can apply for funding for small and large-scale projects from a wide range of organisation. Money is essential for NGOs to implement program. When writing your funding application, please be a good communicator, be transparent, and honest.
The grant application will list all the steps and documents needed for submission. It is important that you follow all the directions exactly as they are stated when filling out the grant application. It can range in length from 5-20 pages. Grant prospective & writing takes time.
Components of Grant Proposal
Most grant applications will include the following components:
A. Letters of Reference (LOR) –Get reference letters from those who can testify to your experience & good character.
B. Formal Proposal –You need to provide a detailed explanation of what the money will be used for.
C. Business Plan – Provide a comprehensive business plan detailing the major points of your financial needs.
D. Resource List – Give sufficient detail on the resources you have, and the resources you need to accomplish your stated goals.
E. List of Group Members – You should include short bios of all staff members and list both workers and volunteers.
F. Goals and Plans – Describe in detail the short and long term goals of your project or idea or initiative.
Now Grant writing model:
•Cover letter
•Executive Summary
•Need statement
•Project description
•Organisation background
•Sustainability plan
•Submitting other requested materials or attachments
Ai. Cover Letter
The cover letter contains a brief summary of your application, introduces your organization, and introduces the need. Include the amount of funding that you are requesting, who will be served by your project, and the need that will be addressed/solved. It is vital that you engage the funder immediately. Give them something that they want to read into, or else you might lose your grant application to the trash before they make it past this cover letter.
B. Executive Summary
Summarizes the project and need and entices the funder to continue reading the entire grant application.
C. Need Statement
Describe the problem that your project is going to address as well as the population that is being affected by this issue.
D. Project Description
The Program Description will outline and detail the project that you wish to start as well as how it will be implemented. Make sure to include information on the activities that will be accomplished as well as what your goals and desired outcomes are.
E. Organization Background
A history of your organization: why your organization was started (history & mission), what you do, who you help, etc.
Talk about organizational capacity, population you serve & provide an overview of your track record. Describe or list your programs.
F. Evaluation
Describe how you will determine the effectiveness of the project. How will you assess your program’s accomplishments? What information will you collect, how will you collect it, when will you collect it, and how will you analyze the collected data?
G. Qualifications
State your organizations qualifications & credibility to receive grant funding. Include information about what your organization's accomplishments & show that your organization in confident with this new project. Avoid the 'I' factor. Write in the third person.
H. Budget
Include all of the costs for the project, any potential revenue from the project, funding that you are going to be receiving from other sources, & a narrative about the budget. Also include personnel costs, direct project costs, & administrative or overhead expenses.
I. Sustainability Plan
In the Sustainability Plan, explain how your project and be replicated upon success. Also discuss how you will continue to fund this project after the grant money has run out.
This is very important 🤔. Is your project sustainable?
J. Submitting Other Requested Materials or Attachments
If they request for certificate of registration, budget for your current fiscal year, letters of support, research supporting the need, etc., please provide it. It will help establish your organization’s credibility.
Now basic tips for grant prospecting and writing👇🏿
1. Read the guidelines carefully and thoroughly (this is very important) Know as much as you can about your funder or sponsor before starting to write your proposal.
Read all the necessary information before applying.
2. When responding to a specific request for a proposal (RFP), follow the suggested format as closely as possible.
3. Prepare your materials well in advance of the deadline.
4. Accentuate the positive. Emphasize opportunities rather than needs. State impacts of your project.
5. When writing your grant application, you should stress the importance of your cause and the necessity of the grant.
6. State the impact of receiving the grant versus not getting the needed funding. Avoid saying "if" rather use "when" I receive this grant, I will execute ABC project or program (always show how your actions will lead to specific outcomes).
7. Do use outside research to justify your project. Show that there is widespread, well documented need for the program you intend to run, and that that program draws on experts and scholarly research in determining the best course of action to meet that need. Do your research.
8. Don’t overstate or estimate your budget. Be precise with your budget numbers and don’t build in money for contingencies. Ask for only what you need, and make sure that need is justified. If the funder says the available grant is between $10,00-100,000, please don’t write $150k.
9. Use a title that suggests the results you hope to achieve rather than what you plan to do. E.g. Improving Mental Health of Unemployed Youths rather than writing A Proposal for Mental Health of Unemployed Youths.
10. Write in a clear and simple language.
11. Make sure you say why this funder is the best source of money for this project.
12. Use graphs, charts, & maps to illustrate your points whenever possible.
13. Always include your plan for funding your project after the grant ends. Show you have other fundraising means.
14. Have someone proofread your proposal before you submit it.
15. Be honest and just write a compelling proposal.
Take free online courses in Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Donor Relations, Grant Writing, Grant Management & related topics.
The courses are offered by some of the world’s most renowned universities for free. You may choose to opt-in for paid certificate.
1. Crowdfunding
You’ll learn different types of crowdfunding approaches, and receive detailed advice on what to do (and what not to do) when crowdfunding. You’ll also have the unique opportunity to go behind-the-scenes with key players in the field.
2. Fundraising for the Non-Profit
Learn how to raise funds for non-profit organisations and understand the power of a mission.
3. Raising Funds for Your Startup
Get to grips with the basics of funding a start up and understand the process of successful financing rounds.
4. Free Online Fundraising Courses
Build your fundraising skills with these free fundraising courses and training programs from experts in online fundraising, donation campaigns, email marketing, fundraising events, and more.
5. Planned Giving
Learn to identify and assess prospective donors, recognize planned giving benefits to your donors, match a donor’s interests and needs with the appropriate planned giving options, and structure a successful solicitation.
6. The Cycle: Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations
7. Fundraising and Development Specialization
A Career That Makes a Difference. Connecting donors to their passions.
8. Improving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Specialization
Effective Leadership and Governance for Nonprofits. Develop leadership to help nonprofit organizations improve their governance effectiveness. New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs
This course is part of the Entrepreneurship: Launching an Innovative Business Specialization
10. Introduction to Fundraising Planning
This introductory class will provide you the basic steps for developing a fundraising plan with tips on:
Making your case for support
Diversifying your organization's fundraising base
Creating a plan of action
11. Introduction to Corporate Giving
Define different types of corporate philanthropy and their motivations.
Learn how to find information about different types of corporate philanthropy.
12. PHILANTHROPYU Introduction to Fundraising
This introductory fundraising course will also help you understand what donors look for when deciding whether to fund a program or organization so that you can plan to strengthen those areas if needed.
13. Grantsmanship Essentials Pack
This program goes over the basics of finding relevant grant programs, ideologically aligned funders, and preparing grant proposals. The course run time is an hour and fifty minutes.
14. Fundraising: Connecting with Donors
The course will show successes and reveal failures that will expose the nuances of effective fundraising practices.
15. Fundraising Strategies
This course will help you consider whether your organization has a strong profile in the eyes of funders and provide practical advice for strengthening it. Reflect on your organization’s financial readiness to fundraise.
16. Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation
This free online course will introduce you to the basics of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). In this course, you will learn how successful projects plan for data collection, management, analysis, and use.
17. Results-Based Financing
In this course, you will learn about the expectations of results-based financing, the various type of results-based financing available, & organizations who have had great success moving to a results-based financing approach.
18. Establishing Effective Partnerships
This course provides frameworks, guidelines, and tools to help you establish effective partnerships. Learn how to navigate identifying potential partners to signing partnering agreements.
19. Storytelling for Impact
This course is packed with tools, best practices, and a step-by-step narrative framework that will enable anyone to improve how they create and share their stories. You will learn how to translate facts into emotions.
20. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
This course provides the tools, frameworks, and practices to help you create a cohesive stakeholder engagement strategy. Learn how to best engage stakeholders from identifying stakeholders to designing your engagement.
21. Fundraising Ideas
From special events, to local partnerships, to peer-to-peer fundraising, this short video is JAM-PACKED with ideas to get you raising more money in no time.
22. How to Promote Your Online Fundraising Campaign
In this free 45-minute nonprofit webinar recording, you’ll learn tactics to use your website, email list, and social media channels to promote your online fundraising campaign and achieve your goals!
23. Top Fundraising Courses Online on Udemy
24. Building relationships with donors
This free course will help you to gain the skills necessary to persuade individuals to become donors. Learn how to change people's ideas about methods of giving from casual street donations to regular direct giving.
25. Online Fundraising Classes | Start Learning for Free | Skillshare
Discover classes on Fundraising, Business, Crowdfunding, and more. Get started on Succeeding.
26. Trustees Leading Fundraising
Trustees Leading Fundraising is a microlearning module that briefly looks at the role that Trustees play in fundraising for their organisations.
Free certificate available.
27. Why Individual Giving?
This is a microlearning module that introduces you to the concept of Individual Giving.
Receive an instructor-signed certificate with the institution's logo to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects.
28. Trustees Leading Fundraising
Trustees Leading Fundraising is a microlearning module that briefly looks at the role that Trustees play in fundraising for their organisations.
29. Ethical Fundraising
Aligning your fundraising strategy with your charity’s values and the ethical standards regulating fundraising is key to ensuring that your charity raises funds in an ethical manner and from ethical sources.
30. SEO For Nonprofits: A Beginners Guide To Digital Marketing Success
31. The Best Social Media Marketing Resources For Nonprofits
32. Online Fundraising Ideas And Strategies for Nonprofits (That Will Get Results)
33. Digital Marketing Made Easy for Nonprofits
34. Free Fundraising Resources Library
Free live stream of the 2019 Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization.....
35. Learn new marketing skills with Facebook Blueprint.
Build your digital marketing knowledge, boost your career and add value to your company with free online training, resources and certifications.
36. Email Marketing
This course will teach you how to create an email marketing strategy. From contact management and segmentation to email deliverability and analyzing your email sends, you’ll learn how to build an email marketing strategy.
37. Effective Ways Nonprofits Can Drive Donations Online
This is a really good article to read
38. TechSoup Courses can get you there.
Expert-led tech training designed for nonprofits and libraries. What will you learn next?
39. Learn to Raise funds and mobilise support!
A 9-steps course to empower the society
Follow this course and be ready to raise funds and mobilise support at a local level.
40. A free, short online course on the basics of grantwriting!
This is for nonprofit folks
Provided by @NPReadyorg
- Overview of the #grantwriting process
- Tips for drafting, editing, & revising your proposal
- Common proposal writing mistakes to avoid.
41. Free online courses, and downloadable guides to support the most common nonprofit jobs including: Fundraising, Grant Writing, Leadership, Governance, Accounting & Finance, Operations, Marketing & Communications, Volunteer Engagement, & Program Management.
42. Learn how to better represent yourself in your proposals!
Take the course Fundamentals of Grant Writing and improve your standing in the Stay the Course Challenge to have a chance to be featured in future YALI Network material!
Take the course here:
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