Free online courses on Kubernetes, Docker products, Terraform
Kubernetes comes with some mind-boggling features like auto-scaling, its very reliable, and also an extremely powerful container orchestration engine, probably the best at this moment. Docker provides a container to deploy your application and commands to interact with.
- Learn how to manage your infrastructure using Terraform using Interactive Browser-Based Scenarios.
2. Learn Devops Kubernetes deployment by kops and terraform
Comprehensive Nginx deployment to Kubernetes on AWS by using kops and terraform.
3. Just enough kubernetes to be dangerous
Learn kubernetes basics by practicing it.
4. Learn Devops Kubernetes deployment by kops and terraform
Comprehensive Nginx deployment to Kubernetes on AWS by using kops and terraform.
5. Introduction to Kubernetes
Want to learn Kubernetes? Get an in-depth primer on this powerful system for managing containerized applications.
6. Containers 101
Building and deploying containerize applications with Kubernetes, Docker and Helm.
7. Getting Started with Kubernetes
Kubernetes is arguably the most important container management technology in the world. This course will teach you the theory and practical skills required to get you up and running as fast as possible.
8. Getting Started with Kubernetes
Kubernetes (K8S) is an open-source workload scheduler with focus on containerized applications.
There are at least 2 steps involved in scheduling your first container on a Kubernetes cluster. You need the Kubernetes cluster with all its components running somewhere and then schedule the Kubernetes resources, like Pods, Replication Controllers, Services etc.
9. How to choose the right container orchestration and how to deploy it
10. Managing Applications and Infrastructure with Terraform
11. Tutorial: Create a Kubernetes cluster with Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform
12. Learn about provisioning infrastructure with HashiCorp Terraform
13. Terraform Training and Tutorials
14. Top Terraform Courses on Udemy
15. Infrastructure Automation With Terraform a DevOps Tool
Learn how to automate your infrastructure with terraform. Covers Terraform with AWS Resources like EC2,IAM,Autoscaling.
16. Managing Infrastructure With Terraform
Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can help with multi-cloud by having one workflow for all clouds. The infrastructure Terraform manages can be hosted on public clouds like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, or on-prem in private clouds such as VMWare vSphere, OpenStack, or CloudStack.
17. DevOps Training Library
A collection of training video courses that teach you DevOps.
18. Terraform Crash Course
In this fast paced short course we’re going to explore the very basics of Terraform.
20. Master Classs: Terraform for AWS (Beginner to Pro)
21. Terraform for beginners-Write, Plan, and Create Infrastructure as Code (Free trial)
22. Terraform on Azure documentation
Learn how to use Terraform to reliably provision virtual machines and other infrastructure on Azure.