Best International Development Job Websites

16 min readDec 29, 2019


  1. is non-profit, international service for searching vacancies, jobs, and other careers opportunity in international NGOs.

2. ReliefWeb is the leading humanitarian information source on global crises & disasters.
ReliefWeb is also a valuable resource for job listings and training programs, helping humanitarians build new skills & discover exciting new career opportunities.


Clear and understandable, not so many jobs as we want, but some times it has interesting positions.

4. UNDPJobs Foundation

UNDP Jobs Foundation together with encouraged people to work in the United Nations, NGOs and non – profit organizations.

All vacancies on one map, it’s simple and easy to navigate, a lot of jobs.


Are you passionate about world development & want to make a difference? Explore this website to learn more about working for UNDP & to find your dream development job. Stay up to date with jobs at UNDP by subscribing to a personal job alert newsletter.

6. CareersUN

It highlights jobs for international staff, it has only two jobs of national officers. Also it has category of internships (unpaid). So if you are looking for jobs category P-2+ and internships, it’s for you.

7. Search UN jobs:

Which jobs are you looking for? Leave a field empty if you would like to include all values of the field. You can sign-up for a weekly email alert for these jobs on the next page …

8. Good web site with a lot of vacancies in such organizations like Amnesty International, Freedom House, but to apply it ask paid membership.

9. Jobs at European Council, only for citizens of European countries.

Don’t miss any opportunities!

10. Save the Children

11. The Challenge

12. Oxfam …

13. Merlin

14. Doctors without Borders

15. Action Aid …

16. African Development Bank Group

17. Asian Development Bank

18. Crown Agents

19. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

20. OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development)

21. Inter-American Development Bank

22. International Finance Corporation

23. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

24. Environmental
International Rivers

25. Trade Fairtrade Foundation

26. World Trade Organisation (WTO)

27. UN Careers Portal

28. Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme

29. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme

30. Maternity Worldwide

31. HIV and AIDS Alliance

32. NGOJobsVacancies

NGO jobs, Development jobs, Relief jobs and career, humanitarian relief jobs

33. Jobs4Development: international development jobs

34. AidBoard:

international development jobs

35. Devex: international development

Devex is the media platform for the global development community.

A social enterprise, we connect and inform 1,033,000+ development, health, humanitarian, and sustainability professionals through news, business intelligence, and funding & career opportunities so you can do more good for more people.

36. GenevaJobs:

jobs and consulting opportunities arising within the international development sector in Geneva, Switzerland and Europe

37. Idealist:

volunteer, work, intern, organize, hire and connect.

38. EthicalJobs:

ethical jobs around the World

39. CharityJOB: UK’s busiest site for charity jobs, fundraising jobs, NGO jobs and not for profit jobs

40. Policyjobs:

policymaking jobs around the world

41. Eurobrussels: European Affairs Job website

42. Bond: a thousand jobs a year for UK and international NGOs

43. DevelopmentAid: international development jobs

44. ImpactPool: jobs in United Nations, NGOs, European Union

45. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is job site, where job-seekers can search job listings (by keywords, industry, location, job type) as well as post your resume and detailed profile.

46. Indeed

47. DevJ

DevJ reaches a diverse community of professionals, experts, consultants interested in international development.

48. Overseas jobs

Find Jobs Overseas & Across the Globe features overseas jobs and international employment opportunities for professionals, expatriates and adventure seekers. Search for international and overseas jobs worldwide and land your next great job today!

49. -- where job-seekers looking for international work can search for jobs by country and job type. Part of the collection of internationally-focused Websites. Includes some travel and career resources. Free to job-seekers.

50. iHipo -- a combination of social network and job site, iHipo provides young professionals and students the ability to browse through hundreds of international job and internship postings, post a profile, and develop contacts. iHipo stands for international High Potential network.

51. The Foundation Center (part of Candid) keeps tabs on philanthropy across the globe. It is renowned for databases on every kind of grant, grant giver, and who has given to whom and for what. Want to look smart when you apply for a nonprofit job? Get familiar with this organization.

52. Chronicle of Philanthropy

The career/jobs space at the Chronicle of Philanthropy is particularly useful if you are interested in fundraising.

53. AidBoard
Job board dedicated to NGO and no-profit organisations in the International Development area.

54. AlertNet’s jobs section
Database of job openings in humanitarian field: MSF, Handicap, etc.

55. BOND’s jobs section
Current vacancies with British-based international development NGOs.

56. CIDA website’s job section
The CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency – portal for development jobs.

57. Devex – Development Executive’s job list
Job list from the Development Executive Group, a “membership organization serving firms, non-profit organizations, and individual professionals”.You may become a member “by posting your profile in the largest directory of international development professionals in the world”.

58. Devjobs – international development jobs
Hundreds of new development jobs posted each week. Email newsletter with listings, over 27 thousand subscribers.

59. DevNetJobs: International Development Jobs and Consultancies
DevNetJobs lists jobs and consulting opportunities arising with over 4800 Recruiters worlwide.It runs a free mailing list going to over 1,20,000 job seekers every fortnight. It can be subscribed to by sending a blank email

60. ELDIS Jobs
Eldis’s portal for jobs in the development sector. Check also their list of jobs weblinks.

61. Human Rights Job Board
Job announcements with human rights Organisations around the world.

62. Idealist’s Job Openings homepage
One of the most useful sites, offering to “receive personal email updates with new job openings matching your interests.”Jobs can be searched according to subject, position, country, geographical area and other criteria. Free subscription permits to receive email updates automatically which are designed to fit to the user’s predefined criteria.

63. Microfinance jobs
List of jobs in microfinance sector. For latest job offerings, you may subscribe to the free jobs bulletin. Contains links to organisations with internship openings within microfinance. The Microfinance Gateway is a consortium of 29 international donors who support microfinance. Website is hosted by ELDIS.

64. Oneworld’s job openings homepage
Jobs can be searched according to 11 different subjects and by country. Oneworld offers to subscribe to weekly job listings, (free of charge).

65. Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights.

66. The Economist’s classifieds
Get the job ads without buying the magazine!

The United Nations Children’s Fund was founded in 1946 and focuses on children’s rights, nurturing, and advocacy issues for children around the world.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was founded in 1945 and has worked since that time to “create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values.

69. Human Rights Watch.

Founded more than 30 years ago, Human Rights Watch is another independent human rights organization dedicated to defending and protecting human rights, and raising international awareness of such abuses.

70. CARE

Focusing on poverty relief, this organization’s website states: CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Women are at the heart of CARE’s community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of disease, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources. CARE also delivers emergency aid to survivors of war and natural disasters, and helps people rebuild their lives.

71. Doctors Without Borders

A Nobel Prize winning organization (1999), Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian organization that focuses on medical and health initiatives. It was created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. Today, it provides impartial and independent assistance to more than 60 countries whose residents are endangered by civil violence, national catastrophe, epidemics, and malnutrition.

72. The Red Cross

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – known simply as The Red Cross – is a humanitarian organization founded to protect human health and life, foster respect, and prevent human suffering without discrimination.

73. is the most comprehensive site for anyone interested in starting an encore career.

74. The Chronicle of Philanthropy

This is the chief news source for the philanthropy world. Its Jobs page currently shows about 1,000 fundraising, executive, programming and administrative positions.
You might want to peruse the site’s New to the Nonprofit World section — it’s filled with news and expert advice for people who don’t have a nonprofit background.

75. The Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy. Buried on its site is the Foundation Center’s Philanthropy News Digest Jobs Board, which features openings at foundations and nonprofits.

76. The Bridgespan Group runs the online Nonprofit Jobs Center, which now has about 350 positions. That includes paid part-time and full-time jobs, plus unpaid board of directors openings.
Bridgespan also has excellent publications and tools for those interested in nonprofit leadership positions.

77. Koya Partners is a search firm that places managers into nonprofit organizations. In the Find a Job part of the site, you can apply for positions its clients need to fill.

78. is committed to help build and strengthen Canada’s non-profit sector by connecting non-profits across the country with job seekers.

79. Careers - InterAction

Interested in a career with an international NGO? InterAction's NGO Job Board features new and open positions in the field and at headquarters around the world, sourced from our more than 200 member organizations and partners.

80. GlobalJobs

Find Jobs build a better career. International, non-profit, ngo ...

Find Jobs and build a better career. is a job board for international, ngo, non-profit, government, and development careers.

81. Fundsforngo

NGO Careers: How to get a job in an NGO - fundsforNGOs

You can discover volunteering opportunities in NGOs around the world using NGOs own websites or some of the listed sites below: United Nations Volunteers. World Wide Helpers. Volunteer Service Overseas. Finding a Job. Ultimately, finding a job within an NGO is similar to finding a job in any other industry.

82. Guardian Jobs

NGOs Jobs, vacancies | Non-Governmental Organisation | Guardian Jobs

Search, find and apply for the latest NGO jobs. Find a range of quality Non-Governmental Organisation jobs online with Guardian Jobs.

83. Diversity Jobs | has been a leader in the diversity jobs market since 2000. We feature job postings from some of the best diversity employers across a wide variety of industries such as manufacturing, education, non-profit, finance, healthcare, technology, and marketing from customer service jobs all the way up to high level executive positions.

84. Myjobmag (NGO jobs in Nigeria)

NGO/Non-Profit Jobs in Nigeria

Nonprofit jobs and ngo job vacancies are usually advertised by Check our job publications in fields like international organisations jobs, new jobs in ngos, vacancies at ngo etc. plus their online equivalents. Undertaking relevant sector/company search, and reading our job/career tips are essential.

86. Christian Jobs and Employment, Search and Find Ministry Jobs is a premier job search website for Christian employment at ministry organizations, nonprofits and businesses. Search for Christian employment opportunities in fields such as sales, accounting, teaching counseling, marketing and more.

87. Vacancies at Danish Refugee Council | DRC

Vacancies The Danish Refugee Council has its headquarters in Copenhagen, but most of our work is carried out in the countries and regions where the conflicts occur. See current vacancies and job opportunities in DRC.

88. NGO Job Boards | MyWorldAbroad

The sites below give you a quick link to employment opportunities within NGOs. Check these sites regularly. Related Section and Resource Lists: Before you begin your job search, be sure that you have read NGOs & International Development.

89. NGOabroad - Humanitarian Work Career Coach

NGOabroad offers customized international volunteer programs & helps people enter or advance in working abroad. We offer unique services in career coaching for humanitarian work and resume building.

90. Ngo Africa Jobs, Employment |

Participate in relevant NGO for a or other technical or coordination networks. The successful candidate will have a track record of living and working in Africa. Communication Skills Experience or skill effectively exchanging and understanding information, verbally or in writing.

91. Nonprofit Jobs | Nonprofit Careers | Work for Good

Welcome to the go-to source for finding purpose-driven nonprofit jobs. We connect mission-focused organizations with talented professionals. Are you ready to work for good?

92. Jooble

Also featuring job listings in over 60 countries, Jooble is one of the most popular sites for people on the international job hunt. It’s especially helpful for finding jobs in developing countries.

93. Indeed Worldwide

Indeed Worldwide works just like its domestic counterpart, except it allows you to search for international jobs in more than 60 location-based sites.

94. Going Global

Going Global keeps you up-to-date with the latest worldwide employment trends. The site also includes “Country Profiles,” where you can find new job opportunities, as well as expert advice on region-specific CVs, interviewing, work permits, and visa applications.

95. CareerJet

CareerJet features a “worldwide” tab with over 60 country sites, where you can search through job postings based on industry or location.

96. CareerBuilder International

In addition to the U.S., CareerBuilder International offers job listings in Canada, France, Germany, Greece, India, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam.

97. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

TEFL not only offers online certification to teach English internationally, but an innovative job boardwith filters and a map so you can easily find pre-approved schools who need teachers. Learn more about opportunities and programs for teaching abroad here (

98. Monster Worldwide

From Canada to Australia, Monster Worldwideallows you to search for jobs in over 40 countries within North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia & the Pacific Rim.

99. GenevaJobs

jobs and consulting opportunities arising within the international development sector in Geneva, Switzerland and Europe

100. Here is a list of websites you can find virtual internships

Time and space are no longer barriers, thanks to the rise of virtual internships. Some pay the interns while others are for learning and skills acquisition purposes.

Ignore the background noise and focus on your own growth.

101. Save The Children

Want to Join the Save the Children Team?

The work is ambitious and challenging, delivering real results for children and their families.

102. Jobs at European Council, only for citizens of European countries.

Don’t miss any opportunities!

103. Oxfam is a global movement of people who won’t live with poverty, and we work together to end this injustice for everyone. Thousands of talented people already commit their time to make this happen.

104. Crown Agent

Whether you’re interested in jobs at our London head office, our offices around the world or as an associate working with us on a specific project, we want to hear from you.

105. FAO

FAO is dedicated to recruiting the best staff possible, hiring internationally minded people to carry out its work toward the eradication of hunger. We invite you to explore the opportunities and benefits of working with us.

106. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on almost 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow.Interested in applying for a position? for an internship?

Internship Programme - Submit your application
The OECD recruits Interns on an on-going basis and applications are accepted throughout the year.

107. IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries.
We apply our financial resources, technical expertise, global experience, and innovative thinking to help our partners overcome financial, operational, and other challenges.

108. IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency based in Rome, the UN’s food and agriculture hub. Since 1978, we have provided over US$21 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached about 491 million people.IFAD offers professional career development and an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits. The benefits package includes dependency allowance, education grant up to university level, home leave, medical insurance and social security.

109. The JPO Service Centre administers the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme and the Special Assistant to the UN Resident Coordinator (SARC) Programme.

These programmes provide young professionals pursuing a career in development with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in multilateral technical cooperation and international development within a UN agency.

110. DevelopmentAid is a leading, innovative membership organisation providing comprehensive information services for the international developmental sector. By providing a nexus of funding opportunities, expertise, and carefully curated data, we specialize in connecting donors, agencies, consultancy firms, NGOs, and individual consultants working for international development.!/home

111. Euro Brussels

European Affairs Job Search.

112. Bond

Jobs in international development

The best international charity and NGO jobs in the UK and around the world.
Take the next step in your humanitarian or international development career with an exciting new job in programmes, fundraising, advocacy, communications, research, leadership or monitoring and evaluation.

113. Impactpool is a social enterprise with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Impactpool is a career platform devoted to provide the best possible support to people who want to pursue a career within mission-driven organizations. In a short timeframe Impactpool has become the world’s fastest growing career website with a focus on talents and organizations who are striving for and contributing to a sustainable world.

114. WorkingAbroad now runs programmes in over 30 countries across the world focusing on wildlife conservation and community development projects. All our projects adhere to our ethical volunteering standards.

115. tbd* supports those who are determined to make a career out of changing the world. 
We’re a digital hub where people like you can find a job, hire the right team, discover workshops and courses, locate funding opportunities, connect with mission-driven companies, share best practices, or learn from others who are using their careers to make an impact.
This is the go-to website for social impact jobs in Germany.

116. CharityVillage

Find your next position on Canada’s favourite site for nonprofit professionals.


Canadian Government start-up funding, CANADEM is an international not-for-profit NGO dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the rostering, rapid mobilization, and mission management of experts committed to International Service with the UN, other IGOs, NGOs, and governments.

118. Global Affairs Canada

A career in international development with the Government of Canada

Global Affairs Canada provides opportunities for a career that is global in scale, offering a wealth of international perspectives that increase professional skills and expand cultural perceptions.

119. Twitter

Twitter is an amazing platform to find jobs, scholarship, internships and many other opportunities.

Use hashtags #internationaldevelopmentjobs








120. 80,000 Hours

Interesting Openings including a number focused on Social Impact

121. Social Enterprise Alliance Job Board

Positions in the social enterprise sector.

122. Social Impact Jobs

Job lists from Echoing Green

123. Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs

Job positions in small and growing business member companies/organizations around the world.

124. Growth Hacker Job Listings

Find jobs in growth marketing, user acquisition, conversion rate optimization, content marketing, analytics, product, etc.

125. Big Society Capital

Jobs at Big Society Capital, as well as relevant opportunities within the social investment market.

126. ACRE Resources 
Jobs in environmental and corporate social responsibility areas

127. Association of International Educators

Jobs in international education and international student services.

128. Global Impact Investing Network

Jobs in impact (financial) investing.

129. Startup Hire 
 Jobs at startup particularly in tech around the world.

130. Mashable Job Board

Jobs in Social Media


Jobs in the environmental sector.

132. Law Crossing

If you're a legal professional, you should definitely be on Law Crossing that can help you quickly find the best opportunities.

133. OneWire

OneWire is a job site for professionals focused on finding work in the financials sector.

Find Your Next Finance Job

Apply to Thousands of Opportunities with One Confidential Profile.


Looking for a job as a professional in journalism? is the go-to board

135. HealthcareJobSite

Find Healthcare jobs with companies hiring now. Thousands of opportunities, with new ones every day.

136. Facebook

Jobs on Facebook

Search and browse the latest job listings posted by nearby businesses in your area. Apply directly to employers via Facebook.

138. Glassdoor

Glassdoor becomes more popular as a place for employers to post jobs everyday.

Glassdoor Job Search | Find the job that fits your life

Search millions of jobs and get the inside scoop on companies with employee reviews.

139. BCorps Jobs Board

Job openings at certified B Corps, which are companies that meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

140. Uncharted is a social impact accelerator that builds coordinated movements of people to tackle problems from all angles—problems like food deserts, urban poverty, and hate and discrimination.

How To Land a Job Abroad

●Make yourself a digital presence

●Register for accounts on multiple job search sites

●Create an online portfolio with examples of your work and side projects

●Start a blog to assert your voice within your industry

●Learn the language and the culture

●Keep up with social etiquette and local customs to easily transition into everyday life

●Use simple English to communicate with non-native speakers

●Tailor your application to the location

●Explain why you’re interested in moving in your cover letter or application letter

●Find out what size paper people use in that country to make sure your resume prints properly Nail the online interview

●Dress as if it’s an in-person interview

●Find a place where you won’t be interrupted

●Test your camera and microphone to make sure they work

●Express interest in the country’s language and culture

●Have region- or market-specific questions ready to show you’re globally minded.

You can follow @MomentsWithBren on Medium and Twitter.




Written by Momentswithbren

Closing the talent, opportunity and achievement gaps by connecting you to decent jobs, paid internships, grants, visa sponsorship and career opportunities.

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